Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Hues of a Technocentric Community

There’s a reason that those with orthodox inclinations have fallen far behind the liberals or the ‘Techno Centric’ on the technology front. We read Wired or Digit or any gadget blog and note how definitively liberal the publications are—pro-science, pro-progress and pro-net neutrality.
We are not primitive anymore, we are not confined to ‘just us’ anymore. We have become aware of the environment, we are wary of the mistakes that our ancestors have made. We know about the Global Climatic Shift (Science stuff), and we read upon Stem Cell Research (more of that science stuff). We are a new breed of technical euphoria; we are not the ones who sit in their shells, oblivious to the happenings of the outer world.

We have become better; we have adapted to the environment and adapted the environment to ourselves at the same time. We spiritedly dream about new technologies and make efforts to accentuate these dreams. We have turned to solar energy rather than the conventional forms of energy. We prefer walking over driving. We adapt to the Global Positioning System and make it better with crowd sourced information. We make our own ways, and our avenues of fun are not limited to interference but extend to perseverance and consistency.
We work to make our surroundings better, to make our neighborhoods better. We make correct political decisions, we are a part of the world family. Every information sparks a shard of brilliance in our minds. We are not dull, we are not static. Instead we have become volatile and all for the right reasons.
We work for a better future; we take a tip of the brink and turn it into wonders. We have become much more than we used to be.
We have become more efficient, we have become precariously more arduous to a common cause. We use the technicalities and its red flags carefully to expedite the meaningful and attenuate the noise. We have cut on the incessant chatter, and made it better for the information flow. We process ready data rather than raw. We are making headways in every field we pry.
We are a global family.
We are a part of the Techno-Centric Community.


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